Omówienie plików cookie


Aby ta witryna internetowa działała prawidłowo, a także w celu wyświetlania najbardziej odpowiednich produktów i usług odwiedzającym, umieszczamy małe pliki danych (pliki cookie) w urządzeniu użytkownika. Niniejsze zasady zawierają informacje dotyczące plików cookie oraz sposobu ich kontroli w przypadku tej witryny internetowej.



Funkcjonalne pliki cookie:

Funkcjonalne pliki cookie umożliwiają korzystanie z witryny poprzez obsługę podstawowych funkcji, takich jak nawigacja po stronie. Witryna nie może funkcjonować prawidłowo bez tych plików cookie. Te pliki cookie nie gromadzą o użytkowniku informacji, które mogłyby zostać wykorzystane w celach marketingowych, i nie zapamiętują odwiedzanych stron internetowych. Tej kategorii plików cookie nie można wyłączyć.

Cookie Name Source Expiry Purpose
ASP.NET_SessionId DAF website Session General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Miscrosoft .NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server.
__RequestVerificationToken DAF website Session This is an anti-forgery cookie set by web applications built using ASP.NET MVC technologies. It is designed to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website, known as Cross-Site Request Forgery. It holds no information about the user and is destroyed on closing the browser.
daf-gdpr, daf-gdpr-consent-given DAF website One year This cookie stores the user's confirmation/permission for cookie storage.
dafcountries_xx#lang DAF website Session This cookie transfers the current language of the site to other applications.
ai_session DAF website a few seconds This cookie name is associated with the Microsoft Application Insights software, which collects statistical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. This is a unique anonymous session identifier cookie.
ai_user DAF website One year This cookie name is associated with the Microsoft Application Insights software, which collects statistical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. This is a unique user identifier cookie enabling counting of the number of users accessing the application over time.
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress DAF website 30 minutes Hotjar sets this cookie to detect the first pageview session of a user.
_hjFirstSeen DAF website 30 minutes Hotjar sets this cookie to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/false value, indicating whether it was the first time Hotjar saw this user.
_hjIncludedInSessionSample DAF website 30 minutes Hotjar sets this cookie to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site's daily session limit.
_hjSession_{site_id} DAF website 30 minutes Hotjar sets this cookie to hold current session data. Ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session.
_hjSessionUser_{site_id} DAF website One year Hotjar sets this cookie when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID.
__cf_bm 30 minutes This cookie is set by HubSpot's CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection.
_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx DAF website a few seconds This cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. Where it is used it may be regarded as Strictly Necessary as without it, other scripts may not function correctly. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account.
_ga DAF website 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_gid DAF website One day This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.
SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE 10 years This cookie name is associated with the Sitecore Content Management System as is used for web analytics to identify repeat visits by unique users.


Analityczne pliki cookie:

Analityczne pliki cookie pomagają właścicielom witryn internetowych w zrozumieniu sposobów interakcji między odwiedzającymi a witrynami poprzez anonimowe gromadzenie i raportowanie informacji.

Cookie Name Source Expiry Purpose
_crossGa DAF website 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nn DAF website a few seconds This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to.
_gclxxxx DAF website 3 months Google conversion tracking cookie
_hjid DAF website One year Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.
_hjTLDTest DAF website Session Hotjar cookie.
__hssc DAF website a few seconds This cookie is associated with the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics.
__hssrc DAF website Session This cookie is associated with the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics.
__hstc DAF website One year This cookie is associated with the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics.
_hjIncludedInSample DAF website Session Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.
_hjCachedUserAttributes DAF website 2 hours Hotjar cookie.
jnAccel Session This cookie is used by Connexys, our Third Party supplier for vacancy search to identify via which load-balanced server the current visitor is accessing the website from.


Funkcjonalne pliki cookie mediów społecznościowych:

Te pliki cookie są ustawiane przez platformy mediów społecznościowych, takie jak Facebook, LinkedIn i YouTube, podczas przeglądania lub korzystania z osadzonych multimediów. Przykładem może być plik cookie ustawiony przez platformę YouTube w celu pomiaru liczby odtworzeń osadzonego filmu. Te pliki cookie mogą czasami śledzić aktywność użytkownika i są ściśle związane z reklamowymi plikami cookie. Usunięcie ich może jednak spowodować brak możliwości obejrzenia osadzonych treści.

Cookie Name Source Expiry Purpose
PREF 4 years YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. This is a common Google cookie, used across several of their services. Stores user preference, can be used to personalise ads on google searches
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 6 months YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. This cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos
GPS 27 minutes YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites.
YSC Session YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites.
S One hour


Marketingowe pliki cookie:

Marketingowe pliki cookie są używane do odpowiedniego ukierunkowania reklam na podstawie analizy zachowań użytkownika (ang. behavioural targeting). Często są obsługiwane przez firmy zewnętrzne i śledzą aktywność użytkownika w różnych witrynach internetowych.

Cookie Name Source Expiry Purpose
IDE One year This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange
test_cookie a few seconds This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange
1P_JAR One month This cookie stores information about how the end user uses the site and any advertisement that the end user may have seen before visiting such a website.
APISID 2 years This DoubleClick cookie is usually set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the interests of site visitors and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works solely by identifying your browser and device.
__cfduid One month This cookie is associated with the HubSpot platform and ensures that all HubSpot features and functionality are added to the site correctly.
CONSENT This cookie tracks information about how the end user uses the site and any advertisement that the end user may have seen before visiting such a website.
HSID 2 years This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to build a profile of the visitor's interests and show the relevant ads or other sites.
hubspotutk Hubspot One year This cookie is associated with the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for user authentication.
NID 6 months This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organisations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer's adverts appear.
SAPISID 2 years This DoubleClick cookie is usually set through the site by advertising partners, and used by them to build a profile of the interests of site visitors and show relevant ads on other sites. This cookie works solely by identifying your browser and device.
SID One year Google uses this cookie to help personalize ads on Google properties, such as Google Search. For example, we use such cookies to remember your most recent searches, your previous interactions with an advertiser's advertising or your search results, and your visits to an advertiser site.
SIDCC 3 months This cookie tracks information about how the end user uses the site and any advertisement that the end user may have seen before visiting such a website.
SSID 2 years This cookie tracks information about how the end user uses the site and any advertisement that the end user may have seen before visiting such a website.
fr 3 months Contains browser and user unique ID combination, used for targeted advertising.
_fbp 3 months As a third party host provider, Facebook mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the 'Like' button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services and serving up behaviourally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. This cookie is used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
AnalyticsSyncHistory & UserMatchHistory 29 days This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform.
lang 0 days This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. This sub-domain is connected with LinkedIn's marketing services and gives insight into types of users based on LinkedIn profile data, to improve targeting.
li_gc 179 days This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform.
lidc 0 days This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform.
bcookie & bscookie 364 days This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform.
awxxxx DAF website 2 years Used to attribute commission to affiliates when you arrive at the website from an affiliate referral link. It is set when you click on one of our links and used to let the advertiser and us know the website from which you came.

Podjęcie decyzji o zablokowaniu plików cookie w tej witrynie internetowej nie uniemożliwia jej odwiedzania. Korzystanie ze wszystkich sekcji lub funkcji tej witryny internetowej może jednak okazać się niemożliwe.

W przypadku braku akceptacji wszystkich plików cookie można również dostosować ustawienia przeglądarki internetowej, aby całkowicie zablokować możliwość umieszczania tego typu plików na swoim komputerze przez wszelkie witryny. Aby dowiedzieć się jak to zrobić, należy skorzystać z funkcji pomocy w przeglądarce.

Zgodę możesz w każdej chwili wycofać zmieniając ustawienia poprzez ikonę cookies znajdującą się w lewym dolnym rogu ekranu.